Timmy gay xxx stories

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The luxury bathroom had a huge glass enclosed shower stall that looked like it could easily hold ten people. Timmy and Pamie hurried down the hall to their parent's bedroom. 'Ok, Ok, Let's go.' John said, giving his wife a look that said 'There goes our fun.' 'You heard them' Susan laughed 'you can't argue with that logic!' We need showers too!' 12 year old Timmy chimed in. 'Daddy, you never let us take a shower with you! It's not fair!' exclaimed 11 year old Pamie.' 'Hey kids, you know I was talking to your Mother!' he laughed at them. 'We are Daddy!' his two children cried out before their Mother could answer. 'Who's ready for a shower' John asked, looking at his sexy wife Susan.

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